
"I AM The Good Shepherd" - Illustrated by Gregory Effinger


John's account of Jesus' parable inspires this new representation of "The Good Shepherd" for this series of "I AM" windows, for main floor of our new Catholic Church.


Here, Jesus refers to himself , " I AM The Good Shepherd". And His sheep follow Him willingly and eagerly, because He is willing to do anything for their well being. His sheep know His voice and are guided by it. Same rings true today in our lives. We know when He is speaking to us. His voice is always guiding us through the gate to safety and away from the wolves who scatters His flock. His voice is recognized in the people we look to for encouragement and in those who do His will. We find ourselves in trouble when not to head his warnings here on earth, but know that it is His forgiveness and compassion that will lead us to heaven.


Effinger illustrates how The Good Shepherd protects his flock and leads them to greener pastures. This is a comfort to all of us. His heavenly pasture awaits us, but only through him will we enter. The top portion of the window is illustrated to solidify this understand we have and provide for us a literal representation of us following Jesus into heaven and into the awaiting arms of our Good Shepherd. The gate represents His protection and guidance that can not be opened except by Him. The wolves represent evil that will steal, kill and destroy. Jesus presents His back to evil but, points us, his sheep, to find pasture. His sheep are not mindless, but pointed in the right direction and show utmost faith in His word and actions.


All concepts, designs, descriptions, art and illustrations and photography are under copyright (©1998-2016) by
Gregory Effinger and Georgian Kalow.

© 2016  - Gregory Effinger & Creative Bearings, Inc